CTS 40mm Frangible Impact OC Irritant Power – Model 4556


CTS 40mm Sponge Spin Stabilized Foam Baton, Smokeless – Model 4556

CTS manufactures a wide range of single and multiple projectile munitions with payload capabilities exceeding those of any other less-lethal manufacturer. Single projectile offerings are extremely accurate for selective engagement in a variety of situations. Multiple projectile munitions come in a wide range of payloads permitting escalation of force when dispersing large and unruly crowds.

*The frangible Impact+ munitions are spin-stabilized projectile and deliver multi-effects of blunt trauma and dispersal of irritant powder on and around target. Although it is extremely accurate and consistent, accuracy is dependent on the launcher, using open sights vs. an improved sight, environmental conditions, and the operator. Effectiveness depends on many variable, such as distance, clothing, stature, and the point where the projectile impacts.

CAUTION: Shots to the head, neck, thorax, heart, or spine can result in fatal or serious injury.


  • Description Cartridge, 40mm, OC Powder
  • Model Number 4556
  • Type Spin stabilized foam KE impact with added irritant capability
  • Velocity 305 feet per second
  • Range 30 meters
  • Cartridge Material Plastic/Fiber composite
  • Projectile Weight 46gm
  • Projectile Material Plastic/fiber composite rotating band and frangible foam
  • Payload Material OC powder
  • Overall Height 4.20” (107 mm)
  • Overall Weight 93gm
  • Compatibility All 40mm M203 and M79 type launchers
  • Waterproof Waterproof option available
  • Operating Temperature -20°F to 120°F
  • Deployment Optimal Ranges are between 10 meters (9.84 feet) to 30 meters (98.4 feet). It is stressed that shot placement, rather than deployment range, is the critical factor in determining the extent of injury caused. Shots to the head, neck, thorax, heart, or spine can result in fatal or serious injury.